In these new works the phenomenon of awe is being explored. The animate and inanimate object the fantastic and the everyday are bridged. Through the medium of sculpture, drawing and printmaking visual metaphors are simultaneously alive and ethereal. The ceramic series of envelopes, “Unreachable” suggests the marking and passing of time in effort to communicate during a period of social distance. I am interested in tangibility of materials and processes which are subtly undermined by the poetic nature of the imagery.
The large-scale drawing “Perfectly Imperfect” juxtaposes handmade doilies reproduced using 3D laser printing and prints and drawings of snowflakes first seen through a microscope. The graphite drawings and silkscreened prints of snowflakes from William Bently’s photos. In his photographs William Bently first showed us a view into these beautiful crystal formations how each one is unique, like individuals. These works explore issues of preservation, the fragile nature of our environment and our relationship to the natural world.
Art is a kind of forecasting of the state of humanity. It can lift us up from apathy and enable us to navigate frontiers of hope.
"Perfectly Imperfect" Silkscreen and graphite on paper, laser cut wood and board, 2022
"Perfectly Imperfect" Silkscreen and graphite on paper, laser cut wood and board 2022
"Perfectly Imperfect" (Detail) Silkscreen and graphite on paper, laser cut wood and board 2022
"Perfectly Imperfect" (Detail) Silkscreen and graphite on paper, laser cut wood and board 2022
"Perfectly Imperfect" (Detail) Silkscreen and graphite on paper, laser cut wood and board 2022
"Unreachable" Porcelain 2021
"Unreachable" Porcelain 2021
"Unreachable" (Detail) Porcelain 2021